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Algebra 2 Topics

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Volume One:

Module 1: Analyzing Structure 

-Topic 1: Exploring and Analyzing Patterns

-Topic 2: Composing and Decomposing Functions

-Topic 3: Characteristics of Polynomial Functions

Module 2: Developing Structural Similarities

-Topic 1: Relating Factors and Zeros

-Topic 2: Polynomial Models

-Topic 3: Rational Functions

Volume Two:

Module 3: Inverting Functions

-Topic 1: Radical Functions

-Topic 2: Exponential and Logarithmic Functions

-Topic 3: Exponential and Logarithmic Equations

-Topic 4: Applications of Growth Modeling

Module 4: Investigation Periodic Functions

-Topic 1: Trigonometric Relationships

-Topic 2: Trigonometric Equations

Module 5: Relating Data and Decisions

-Topic 1: Interpreting Data in Normal Distributions

-Topic 2: Making Inferences and Justifying Conclusions

Old information is below, that still has resource links:


Chapter 1: Foundations for Functions- p 5-15, 17-20, 23-32, 33-39

Khan Academy: shift functions (translations)

Khan Academy: Stretching functions (dilations)

Khan Academy: more practice transformations, maybe?

Purple Math: Function Transformation

Chapter 2: Quadratic Functions- p 41-105

Khan Academy: Factoring quadratics when leading coefficient is 1 (a=1)

Khan Academy: Forms and features of quadratic functions 

Khan Academy: Find features of quadratic graphs

Khan Academy: Compare quadratics functions in different forms

Khan Academy: Finding zeros of a polynomia

Khan Academy: Factor special products (basic)

Khan Academy: Factor difference of perfect squares

Khan Academy: Factor perfect squares

Khan Academy: Factor special products (advanced)

Khan Academy: Solve quadratic equations with complex solutions

Khan Academy: Rewrite quadratics as perfect squares

Khan Academy: Solve quadratics by completing the square with leading coefficient of 1 (a=1)

Khan Academy: Solve quadratics by completing the square with leading coefficient not 1 

Khan Academy: Landing page for complex numbers

Purple Math: Factoring Quadratic Equations, the simple case

Purple Math: Solving Quadratics by Factoring and Zero Product Property

Purple Math: Completing the Square to get to Vertex Form

Purple Math: Completing the Square and solving solving directly to solve quadratics

Purple Math: Using Completing the Square to Derive the Quadratic Formula


Chapter 3: Polynomial Functions- p 111-185

Khan Academy: Arithmetic with polynomials

Khan Academy: Polynomials

Chapter 4: Exponential and Logarithmic Functions- p 191-255

Khan Academy: Exponential growth and decay

Khan Academy: Exponentials and logarithms

Purple Math: Exponential Functions- Introduction

Purple Math: Graphing Exponential Functions- Intro

Purple Math: Solving Exponential Functions using the definition

Purple Math: Logarithms- an introduction

Purple Math: Basic Logarithm Rules

Purple Math: Graphing Logarithm Functions

Purple Math: Solving Logarithm Functions using the definition

Chapter 5: Rational and Radical Functions- p 261-323

Khan Academy: Rational relationships

Khan Academy: Radical relationships

Purple Math: Rational Expressions-finding the domain

Purple Math: Adding and Subtracting rational expressions

Purple Math: Multiplying rational expressions

Purple Math: Vertical Asymptotes

Purple Math: Graphing Rational Functions

Purple Math: Solving Rational Equations

Chapter 6: Properties and Attributes of Functions- p329-381

Khan Academy: Functions, manipulating

Khan Academy: Advanced equations and functions

Chapter 7: Probability- p 387-421

Chapter 8: Data Analysis and Statistics- p 427-497

Chapter 9: Sequences and Series- p 503-551

Chapter 10: Trigonometric Functions- p 557-597

Khan Academy: Trigonometric Functions

Chapter 11: Trigonometric Graphs and Identities- p 603-653

Chapter 12: Conic Sections- p 659-707






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